Oct 8, 2010

balance - an art journal page

If I would be asked right now what I seek most within my life, balance would be very high on the list of answers. Of course peace and calm would be marvellous too but balance seems to quite adequately describe everything that I would seek.

As you can see I made this art journal page almost a year ago. If I stop to review the situation, I suppose I have made some progress within the past few months and weeks. Some ways I have tried to seek this balance -
- I try to set the timer for 15 minutes when I am at the computer so I remember to get up and do something different for a few minutes. Sometimes I ignore it or think "just have to finish this". Then I forget. But I am making the effort.
- I am trying to get to bed a bit earlier at night so I get more early hour sleep. Also does not always work. A friend of mine sets her alarm for midnight to remind her to get off the computer. She said doesn't always work either. But sometimes that's when we make our most fabulous finds.
- I am trying to get outdoors to do art when the weather will allow. Even if it is after dark :) It feels good.
- I am trying to go for walks in the country more and enjoy life, rather than just going out cause I need the exercise or need to take dog for a walk.

What are some of the ways you are trying to make more balance? Maybe you would like to write or create a journal page about it.

A little more about the page. As you can see there are words written all over the page beneath the paint. After I painted I think I glued words from a magazine on the number of pages. Later I designed the page around the words.

That's all. How's about going to do a journal page right now? Here are some ideas if you need:
Choose the word blue and journal around that.
Write a question about balance and then answer it. Journal on top of or below some art or maybe around the journal writing.
Choose a word from a magazine. Glue it on a page and try to journal around that.

I would love if you show me by a link or at my Winn and friends group on FB what you come up with. I'll give you new ideas by next Friday, October 15.

Happy Journaling!

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Thanks for your visit today. I will try to answer questions somewhere in the future.